What We Do

Since 2001…

We have led global efforts to improve communities, access to education, access to water, restore environments & support wildlife - both abroad and domestically at home.

We have been at the forefront of pioneering programs producing generations of enagaged, informed, global citizens and resilient future leaders.

We have trained, developed and awarded qualifications, while building resilient and capable individuals for employment, inspired lives, and provided lifelong connections to the natural world.

Experience counts, when it matters most. We have a flawless saftey record, and our considered by our peers as experts in our field.


Our Vision.

‘Changing lives through educational and developmental travel’

Because we teach sustainability, and live ethical travel, we view this as a triple loop, whereby we recognise and impact all lives equally.

Therefore, at the tip of everything we do, is changing the lives of our students, team and every community we touch, based on its own unique needs.

Our Values.


We present ourselves as we are, we don’t create persona’s, and we connect on a human level. Our story and our strengths build the credibility for us.


We are experts given a serious responsibility, which we conscientiously and consistently act on.


We are aspirational people, who share aspirational stories, and belong to aspirational communities. We want our students to be inspired to identify with this intrinsic ethos within us.  


We have deep concern for each individual, and their goals.  


We are a small team working across functions for the benefit of the combined outcome. A brain trust, where no one owns ideas, but we all own the outcome. We help students and communities to be accountable for their own experience.  


We expect and embrace change, we don’t always have all the information, and often uncertainty exists. This is what it means to be a part of something profound, something big, and we love it.